14th Hybrid Student Informatics Conference 12-15 / 4/2022

The Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia and
the Coordinators of the Educational project of the branch PE86 Informatics of Central Macedonia
in cooperation with
NOISIS – Science Dissemination Center and Museum of Technology
organize the
14th Online Student Informatics Conference
Central Macedonia
with themes: Computer applications, Smart devices and
Internet-Educational Robotics.
More than 80% of the works will be presented live on April 12-15, 2022, at NOISIS facilities. We would like to emphasize the need for strict observance of all sanitary measures to avoid the spread of coronavirus in the premises of the Foundation. Thus, there will be control at the entrance and students will be allowed to attend, either with a self-diagnostic test (self test), or with a vaccination certificate, or with a disease certificate. Teachers will be allowed to enter the conference room only with a vaccination certificate, or with a disease certificate. These measures will be adjusted according to the ministerial decisions of that period.
All works belonging to the categories Robotics, Smart Devices and Toys will have the possibility of parallel exhibition in the Foyer. Some schools have already expressed interest in a parallel exhibition presentation through the platform previously communicated to them. For the other school units that did not manage to declare a parallel exhibition place, they can request it via email, until Monday, April 4th.
On Monday, April 4, the presidencies of the program conferences will be published, as well as a list of parallel actions with online seminars for teachers within the Conference.
Finally, the schools have been given an internet cloud space, where the presentation material will have to be downloaded, by Friday, April 8. It is necessary to create a file in there, where the responsible statements of the guardians of the participating students will be stored.
The event will be broadcast live through the Conference site http://www.mathitiko-synedrio.gr/ using the Youtube platform.
The 14th Student Informatics Conference has been placed under the auspices of the Ministry of e-Government and has the approval of the Ministry of Education and Religions, with decision number Φ15.1 / 101589 / Δ2 / 18-8-2021.
The communication sponsor of the event is the public television ERT.