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Free digital literacy from NOESIS – seminars in the Municipality of Delta

Digital literacy in old age from NOESIS
Free seminars for people from 65 years in the Municipality of Delta

With the funding of the Region of Central Macedonia

The Digital Literacy for the Elderly program, a collaboration of NOESIS with the Independent Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support of the Region of Central Macedonia, in an easy, understandable and entertaining way acquaints the trainees over 65 years old, in basic processes, but also other digital applications.

Within the framework of the program, educational seminars are held both in the premises of NOESIS, and in the premises of the Municipalities and Communities of the Regional Unit of Thessaloniki, but also in KAPI.

For seminars held at Municipalities and Communities of the Regional Unit of Thessaloniki and KAPI, the following information is provided:

Seminars in the Municipality of Delta
Content of the seminar
During the course, basic tasks performed electronically using a computer or other compatible portable device (eg mobile phone, tablet) will be analyzed.

Participants will learn, among other things, to issue responsible statements, authorizations, activate the possibility of intangible prescribing or to issue municipal certificates or deeds. Also, the way of processing requests through a teleconference with a representative of KEP (MyKEPLive) will be presented.

The aim of the program is for those interested to become familiar with electronic media and to be able to use them to communicate via the internet with both services and organizations, as well as with their relatives, or their doctor.

The use of a mask is recommended for participation in the seminar. Those participants who have a mobile device (tablet or laptop), please have it with them at the seminar and state it in the application form.

Place of implementation: Municipal Library of Chalastra.
Date of implementation: Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 10.00 am.

Place of implementation: Municipal Library of Diavata.
Date of implementation: Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 10.00 am.

Registrations: by phone at 2310 483 000, extension 126, Claire Grigoroudi, daily, 11:00-13:00, where you can also contact for information.

For the realization of seminars in other Municipalities, Communities and KAPI, there will be a relevant announcement in time.


Published: June 10, 2022