Activities News-Announcements

Slime time: Halloween edition – NEW workshop for children from third to sixth grade

Ready for a prank or treat? This training program will be GHOSTLYgorical! The “terrifying” slimes dominate NOESIS and give us the opportunity to experiment with various textures and materials to get to know polymers. Within 90 minutes full of knowledge, entertainment and experiential learning, children come into contact with sciences such as chemistry, agriculture and […]

Activities News-Announcements

Peiramatistas – NEW classes for Toddlers up to Second Grade

A little aside, please, the Peiramatistas came! The Peiramatistas workshops concern STEAM sciences (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) and combine simple experiments with everyday materials, smart toys and constructions, which children can take home. The workshop process is participatory, collaborative and at the same time exploratory. Peiramatistas… We experiment, we discover, we learn! October 2024 […]

Activities News-Announcements

Time at our fingertips – for Preschoolers and Toddlers

Let’s play with time! Through creative group games, discussions and experimentation full of imagination, preschoolers will explore the concept of time in a way that combines play and learning. Our goal is to enhance their imagination, ability to cooperate and creative thinking, through a series of activities that help them discover the world around them. […]

Activities News-Announcements

Python programming language workshops for teenagers aged 12-16

NOESIS will collaborate with Datalabs for the implementation of programming workshops from October 2024 to April 2025. Program Description Python is an easy, simple syntax, child-friendly language and ideal for generating interest in programming. It is an innovative educational program of 24 two-hour workshops for children aged 12-16, which aims through interaction and play, to […]

Activities News-Announcements

Excavation – NEW workshop for third to sixth grade

Are you ready to become a paleontologist and discover mysterious fossils hidden in the Museum? In 1.5 hours, children become familiar with the science of paleontology, learn about geosciences, use special equipment to locate the natural site of the excavation and use what they have learned, try to retrieve possible fossils. The program includes: – […]

Activities News-Announcements

NOESIS party – NEW for Preschoolers and Toddlers!

Time for launch and Space Party! Where will you celebrate your birthday? But of course at NOESIS! Let’s put on your space suit together and get ready for an exciting adventure beyond the stars! Come to NOESIS to organize the most space… party from another planet! The specialized staff of NOESIS has made sure to […]