Poster participation in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education

NOESIS participates with a poster in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education, which takes place online on November 15-17, 2022 (for more at
The Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education are organized by the Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) of the International Astronomical Union ( IAU) (, in support of the IAU’s goal of harnessing astronomy and supporting its teaching in primary and secondary education.
In the context of this year’s workshop and in the section “How to develop an astronomy curriculum” NOESIS presents the educational program “Colonization on Mars – challenges and solutions”. The program was developed in the framework of the European project Future Space and is a game-based activity, through which secondary school students are invited to face challenges that resemble situations faced by scientists, experts and astronauts involved in the colonization project of the planet Mars.
Participants in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education will have access to the poster through the event gallery throughout the three-day event, while there will be an open channel of communication and interaction with those participants who formulate comments or questions.