Creative robotics

We discover robotics and we unleash our imagination and creativity, recycling and reusing our old toys
A program that combines the introduction to robotics, programming, creative construction and learning, through the practice of children's free imagination. There will be 3 workshops for Kindergarten students up to 2nd grade. With a focus on education, learning, entertainment and creation, we will get to know the electrical circuit through conductive plasticine. We will learn the rules and principles of robotics and drawing inspiration from ancient Greece and its technological achievements, with sensors and motors, we will complete our creations. Our constructions will be part of a collection that will remain and will be exhibited at NOISIS in June 2022. The deconstruction of the concept of "old" or "damaged" toy is the basic principle of the workshops. The combination of heterogeneous materials, learning and entertainment is the basic structure of the complex program of Creative Robotics. The program was designed and implemented by the artist Georgios Antonogiannakis (Georgios GreeKalogerakis) and is based on his postgraduate studies in Art and Technology (MA Computational Arts). The workshops are presented by him and the team of AgoGreece (, having as main axis the feedback and the continuous development of the program.