Project TASTE-“Teaching Astronomy in Gymnasium – Lyceum. A proposal for cooperation between School and Museum”

On Tuesday, April 4, 2023, a workshop was held at NOESIS on the subject: “Teaching Astronomy in Junior High School. A proposal for cooperation between the School and the Museum”.
In the framework of the Erasmus+ project “TASTE -Teaching Astronomy at an educational level” and with the support of EKFE of the prefecture of Thessaloniki, practicing science teachers attended an event on the teaching of Astronomy inside and outside school.
The fifty-three participants who took part in the event attended interesting presentations on how schools and non-formal education institutions can work together in order to achieve a better and more effective education for students in Astronomy. Ways were suggested through which the teacher can manage to indirectly integrate the teaching of Astronomy into a “rather hostile” school curriculum and the contribution of non-formal bodies and organizations in the above direction was highlighted both through bibliography and specific examples.
The workshop included a workshop, where the participating teachers had the opportunity to take part in some of the activities developed during the project. They became acquainted with some of the devices and tools and saw how their proper integration and use can lead to a better understanding of basic astronomy issues, related to geocentric and allocentric optics, positions and apparent movements of celestial bodies.
The event ended inside the planetarium dome with the attendance of the live planetarium presentation developed especially for the above concepts and phenomena.
For the agenda of the conference click here.