Chess workshop for children of Kindergarten – Second Grade

The Chess Players Union of Thessaloniki in collaboration with NOESIS invites you to a chess workshop for children of Kindergarten, A and B Primary School who have no previous chess experience.
Children will have the opportunity to take a trip to the “chess forest” accompanied by Zatrikis, a cute elf who discovers chess. With him they will get acquainted with the geometry of the chessboard, chess pieces, the “insatiable tower”, the “crazy officer” and the duels of soldiers.
The aim of the workshop is for children who have no previous chess experience to be initiated into the universe of chess in a playful and experiential way, so that they are motivated to continue the journey that we will start in the vast “chess forest”.
Practicing concentration and observation, improving memory, developing strategy and problem-solving skills, cultivating logic and abstract thinking are just a few of the benefits that children’s involvement with chess can offer. And all this in a fun way, through a game, whose value is proven by its ancient origin and its survival through the centuries.
The workshop is based on the material of the program “Chess in Schools” implemented by the Chess Union of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Kasparov Foundation, with the exclusive sponsorship of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and will be carried out by the experienced team of trainers of the Thessaloniki Chess Players Association.
Date: Sunday 28/1/2024
Time: 12.00-13.15
Number of participants: 16
Cost: 10€/ child
For registrations (only electronically) click here.
Maria Karnezou
Telephone: 2310 483 000, ext. 121 (Monday – Friday, 10.00 – 14.00)