Connected – The History of Computers and Life with the Internet Inauguration

It was inaugurated by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology, Christos Dimas
The Deputy Minister of Development and Investment (for Research and Innovation), Christos Dimas, spoke with the warmest words about NOESIS and the work it performs, during the opening of the Connected periodical exhibition, on Saturday, May 14th. As he characteristically stressed, “there is nothing similar in all of Greece, that is why we must all embrace it.”
The Chairman of the Board of NOESIS, AUTh professor, Michalis Sigalas, underlined the cosmogenic changes in the field of technology and the Internet, which bring revolution to our daily lives, but also to the dangers that lurk from its misuse.
Speaking about the Connected periodical exhibition of NOESIS, the Rector of AUTh, Nikos Papaioannou, referred to the Cooperation Pact of the two institutions and stressed that the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the only multidisciplinary University in Greece and therefore can assist in its operation. NOESIS, a fact that happens continuously with the valuable transfer of know-how and dissemination of the research results of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from NOESIS to the general public, the social fabric and the student youth of the country.
“We are Connected with NOESIS”, said among others the Deputy Regional Head of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki and President of the Thessaloniki Tourism Organization, Voula Patoulidou, referring to the Memorandum of Cooperation of NOESIS with Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation.
For his part, the Deputy Regional Head of Digital Government, Angelos Charisteas, stressed the actions of the Region of Central Macedonia, which has been systematically creating a “digital culture” for years.
Representatives of the two major sponsors of the Connected exhibition also addressed a greeting. Giannis Mitsios, executive of the OTE Group, stressed the long-term cooperation of the two bodies and, among other things, referred to the unique OTE Telecommunications Museum in Greece, and announced the cooperation with NOESIS for the co-organization of a similar exhibition.
The CEO of Olympia Electronics, Dimitris Lakasas, referring to the developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence, proposed the creation of a specific framework, so that new technologies can be used for the benefit of man. He pointed out the cooperation of the Alexandria Innovation Zone with NOESIS for the organization and presentation of the Thessaloniki Tech Lab, for the maturation and development of start-ups and innovative ideas aimed at the development of new products in the field of technology and information technology.
The history of computers and the future of the internet
“Never before in the history of mankind have we been so isolated and so connected at the same time,” said Leonidas Gymnopoulos, curator of the Connected exhibition, NOESIS Exhibition and Content Development Officer. As he explained, the reason for this idea was the pandemic and the cosmogenic changes that technology has brought to our lives during the last two years (2020-2022).
Present at the inauguration were: Theodoros Karaoglou, MP of NW Thessaloniki, the President and CEO of ThessINTEC, Nikos Efthymiadis, the Chairman of the Board of Alexandria Innovation Zone, Kyriakos Loufakos, the representative of Thessaloniki , as well as other representatives of Municipalities and bodies.
For more information on the Connected report click here.