Creative Robotics – NEW educational program

For Pre-Kindergarten-Toddlers and First and Third Grade
We discover robotics and ancient Greece,
recycling (UpCycling) and reusing our old toys
For Preschoolers – Toddlers
Creative Robotics is an educational program specially designed for children in Pre-Kindergarten – Toddler classes. The preschool section begins with the understanding of the circuit using conductive plasticine, while at the same time there is an introduction to the reuse of materials (UPCYCLING), which is the basic theory of the course.
Using the free imagination of children of this age as a vehicle and focusing on the program of Creative Robotics we will talk about Ancient Greece, we will learn musical instruments through their sounds, animals, plants and their characteristics, geometric shapes, weather phenomena with their properties, notes, various means of transport, fruits and seasons, color combinations and their sentimental value. For each of the above topics we will construct a group robotic construction, we will experiment with circuits and electronic boards, while we will close our experiences by capturing on paper or other materials what we experienced and learned. The program for the age group of infants will have sometimes group and sometimes individual experiential craftsmanship. The rhythm and changes from group-centered to individual lessons have to do with each group and the needs or requirements of the children.
We will make step by step animals, four-wheeled vehicles, we will paint the jungle animals listening to their sounds through conductive plasticine, we will paint paintings from conductive paint that will have sound and light, we will manufacture musical instruments, fruits, etc. In all courses there is a short theoretical part as an introduction to the topic that will concern us, with clear references to technological achievements, art movements and the influences of all these on the artistic expression of each period.
Creative Robotics is a complex program, with a full learning, educational, creative, historical and experiential character. It moves in a secure information environment through the harmonious presentation of the teaching material.
Stock: 16
Age: Preschoolers – Toddlers
Date: 20/1, 27/1/2024
Time: 14.00 – 15.15
Cost: 50€
For registrations (only electronically) click here.
For First – Third Grade
Creative Robotics is an educational program specially designed for primary school children. The school age class will get to know the circuit, the conductivity and all the similar concepts that will concern us in the subsequent constructions. The introduction and understanding of reuse (UPCYCLING) as a basic theory of the program, will help to engage each participant in all the different stages that exist for each construction (dismantling toys with children’s tools, sorting, checking existing circuits and detaching the materials we are interested in, adding circuits to existing ones and creating new circuits, creating decorative details, measuring batteries with a multimeter and grouping them, etc.). The lessons have a purely group character and aim to pass all participants through all stages of a construction, however, emphasis is given to the individual skills and inclination of each child individually. The coveted “toy” or “damaged garbage-toy” becomes a tool and material vital for the lesson and especially for the children themselves who approach these objects from a completely different perspective. There are no more chips and labels, the plastic toy object becomes a material that sometimes fits perfectly into the needs of construction and sometimes needs conversion and appropriate formatting by students.
The constructions have free themes and a huge range, capable of magnetizing everyone’s interest and communicating the different interests of the participants in a creative way. Engineering, mathematics, architecture, natural sciences and visual arts are uniquely combined through the complex program of Creative Robotics, constituting in practice the definition of modern holistic learning.
Creative Robotics is a complex program, with a full learning, educational, creative, historical and experiential character. It moves in a secure information environment through the harmonious presentation of the teaching material.
Stock: 16
Age: A’ – C’ Primary School
Date: 20/1, 27/1, 3/2/2024
Time: 12.00 – 13.30
Cost: 60€
For registrations (only electronically) click here.
The program was designed and implemented by the visual artist Georgios Antonogiannakis (Georgios GreeKalogerakis) and is based on his postgraduate studies in Art and Technology (MA Computational Arts). The workshops are presented by him and the AgoGreece team (, focusing on feedback and the continuous development of the program.
Eleana Balla
Telephone: 2310 483 000, ext. 149 (Monday – Friday, 10.00 – 13.00)