NOESIS Online!

NOESIS, in a state of suspension of its activities due to the conditions prevailing in the field of public health and have affected the daily life of all of us, remains with the help of technology close to its young and old friends, offering a variety of online activities and digital material.
Click on the corresponding links to “open” and use your free time creatively and … scientifically!
Virtual tours in periodic exhibitions
– Shadow Art Exhibition “Genesis – March to Infinity”
Virtual tour here:
– Photo exhibition “Taming the light”
Virtual tour here:
-Computer Exhibitions «Compute-R-evolution»
Virtual tour here:
-Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Science and Technology
Virtual tour here:
– IDEA: Exhibition of Ancient Greek Science and Technology
Virtual tour here:
Digitized images of exhibits of NOESIS collections
The digitized collection of 3,500 exhibits of the institution, with detailed information about their origin and photographs. Part of the collection has also been posted on the European digital platform – a repository of digitization and documentation of exhibits of collections of museums and technological bodies at an international level.
Journey to Knowledge – short animated films
A series of stand-alone animated films with educational stories, related to science and technology.
Technology Encyclopedia – Wiki
Historical information on scientific – technological issues and related exhibits of the Museum of Technology at NOESIS. The sections: Space, Electricity, Medicine, Textiles, Environment, Radio-Television, Telecommunications, Typography, Computers and Photography are presented.
3D exhibit photos of NOESIS exhibitions
Wear (or make) the red-blue glasses that will allow you to see in 3D and see many of the exhibits presented at NOESIS
One of the main goals of NOESIS is to create motivation and interest for visitors to engage in science. One way to do this is by realizing that science is all around them and can even be fun. Based on the above and given the experience that visitors of all ages particularly enjoy the process of experimentation, NOESIS designs and implements the so-called science shows.
– Simple Machines
– Science in your Kitchen
– The science of space
“Little things” (video)
What does the smallest thing you have seen with the naked eye have in common with lentils?
Everything is interesting if you deal with them enough …
The NOESIS team in this twenty-minute video explains the operation of the microscopes and presents small miracles of the Museum’s collection!
“I live creatively” with the participation of NOISIS – donor
Hellenic Petroleum Group, in the summer of 2020, recognizing the unprecedented and peculiar conditions created by the covid-19 pandemic, designed and implemented the original digital summer employment program “I live creatively” for primary school children. The aim of the program was to transfer in a short and fun way to the children the knowledge and experience of scientists, artists and experts from many different fields, encouraging them to come in contact with the natural environment – the house, the yard, the neighborhood – to develop their imagination and creativity, broaden their learning horizons and build new skills. To see the activities suggested by the program click on the link
NOESIS participated in this program by creating videos with scientific and environmental content. These videos are also available through the website of the institution with the kind concession of Hellenic Petroleum.
Screenplay – Scientific editing: Eleana Balla
Video creator: Dimitra Iliadou
Click on the title to “open” the link and watch the videos:
– The power of the wind (presentation by Maria Karakolia)
– Cloud in the bottle (presentation by Thanasis Nitsos)
– Homemade thermometer (presentation by Pavlos Piskoulis)
– Lemon Battery (presentation by Vangelis Tsarouchas)
– Strange balance (presentation by Eleftheria Tsoureka)
NOESIS on social media
You can even follow the institution’s accounts on Facebook and Instagram, where interesting posts are made daily about people and events from the inexhaustible wealth of science!