16th Student Conference on Computer Science 2-5.4.2024 – 2nd announcement

2nd Announcement of the 16th Student Conference of Informatics of Central Macedonia
2 – 5 April 2024, at NOESIS Conference Center
We would like to inform you of the new deadline for the submission of abstracts for the conference, which is Tuesday, March 5 (extension).
The participating teachers should arrange for the final submission of papers by Monday, March 11 through the cloud link that has been sent to them.
Education Consultants, who are not on the list of presidium groups of the conference and wish to participate in them, are invited to register through http://www.mathitiko-synedrio.gr/ site in the PARTICIPATION section.
The 16th Student Conference on Informatics is organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia in collaboration with the Informatics Education Consultants of Central Macedonia, the Foundation “Science Center and Technology Museum” NOESIS and the Hellenic Museum of Technology.
The Conference will be held in person at NOESIS premises, always taking into account all health protocols of the conference period.
At the 16th Student Conference on Informatics, projects of school units from the rest of the Educational Programs of the country will be presented, if there is relevant interest, as well as from schools abroad, from countries with which the Student Conference of Central Macedonia cooperates and develops joint educational actions. In exceptional cases, students of remote schools will be given the opportunity to present / participate online.
The program will also be enriched with parallel actions in NOESIS, for which there will be information in the 3rd announcement, in March. Online webinars for teachers, lectures for students as well as a tour of the Hellenic Museum of Technology and student projects will be announced.
Students of all school units can attend the proceedings of the conference, either in person or online. The work programme will be announced on Monday 18 March. The movement of pupils is part of educational visits by schools. The Student Conference on Computer Science has the approval of the Ministry of Education with Ref. Φ15.1/131883/Δ2 16-11-2023.
Related links
• 2nd Announcement of the Conference, click here.
• Job Proposal Form, click here.
• Approval of the Ministry of National Defence, click here.
For the 1st announcement of the Conference, click here.